Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Technology in our group

Technology really helped our project. We used the internet to find our template for the calendar and do some some researd for healthy recipes and exercises. The group page in Blackboard helped keep track of our meetings and our work. We frequently used email to set meeting times and send important information back and forth concerning our project. As we came together as a group, we commonly used technology to retreive things online and through blackboard. Our group never had any virtual meetings, but we did set up times through email on when and where to meet. Technology is very helpful when group projects are taking place.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ethical Principles

I have never really heard of ethical lapses and learning about them in the business/government/social setting was a shock to me. The examples in class were alarming, however I was not really suprised by them. During the Holocaust, those type of memos were frequent. From these examples of ethical lapses, I learned to be careful in how I write memos and documents when mentioning others.

My ethical prinicples are pretty basic as I have not set a ground for them. As I continue to grow older, I can start to create and mold into the ethical principles I choose. For now, I live by the golden run, treat others as you wish to be treated. Take pride in the things you do and remember everything happens for a reason.

Monday, March 30, 2009


My boyfriend is a graudate student here at Clemson and he has done many group projects. There was one time when he had to do a very large report for his group project. There was a lot of miscommunication occuring throughout the group because it was right around when the project was due. Nick spent many hours doing what he thought the report should be about. It turned out that he had done the completely wrong thing and had to go back at the last minute and change everything! This miscommunication could have been prevented by talking amongst others. Even though they were crushed for time, they could have still layed out the important details of the project so that each member knew what he/she was doing!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

one more week til spring break...

My favorite presentation this week was Kristin's camp experience. I enjoyed this presentation because it was similar to mine and I like comparing the camp that I went to to other camps. It was fun to hear about her experience as a conselor and to hear about all the fun things the camp had to offer.

I don't really have much experience with online portfolios other than the E-portfolio that I must create for Clemson. I am undecided if this is a good experience or bad experience because I honestly have not put much time into it. It will be interesting creating an online portfolio that will include my resume, cover letter, and other goodies that potential careers could look upon. For the portfolio draft due March 23, I need to start my cover letter! Once I have that done, I am pretty much set and ready to begin putting it together.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I really enjoyed all the presentations so far in class. My favorites would have to be Joe B's skyline chili recipe, David's best active athlete competition, and JD's common misconceptions on Student-Athletes.

I liked Joe's presentation mainly because I really love skyline. I was introduced to it by one of my friends here at Clemson who also lives in Ohio. When Joe brought it to class I knew exactly what it was and knew what he was talking about. He was immediately able to catch my attention with this delicious dip!

I liked David's presentation because it was original and he was also able to make the audience laugh which is a bonus. He was able to catch the audience's attention by making them laugh and also presenting on a topic in which everyone was familiar.

I liked JD's presentation because being a student athlete it is nice to have someone show some challenges student athletes go through. Most of the challenges apply to me, I have 6 hours of practice a day, followed with study hall hours, 3 hours of class day, time to eat? sleep? Thanks JD for bringing up these misconceptions. When do we really have time for anything and when can we get cut some slack?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cover Letters

When I first visited this website, I was a little confused because there are so many option! But I am sure this is a good thing. I have never written a cover letter so this information is very useful for me. The cover letter checklist will be helpful when I am starting to write my cover letter. The advice offered about writing cover letters is also very helpful. I do agree with all the advice given here, since I am new to cover letters. Of course when I am actually writing my own I will refer to other sources as well to help. In this tutorial, the sample cover letter and cover letter checklist are the most useful for me. The cover letter is very precise in the format and the way things are set up. I plan on using this site to help me write my cover letter for the mock interview for this class! It is very helpfull all around!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Client Project

Meeting with the client in class was very interesting. This project seems like a lot of fun and will keep everyone in class on their toes coming up with exciting new ideas and brainstorming to meet different student body expectations. What will get my peers attention? Maybe a video, maybe a cookbook, or even a campus wide event. There are many ideas floating around through my head as well as my teams'.

After the freewrite in class, I can continue on my idea. It is not going to be an easy to change the dining halls; however, we can change ourselves. It is easy to figure out what each dining hall is going to serve for the day because it is posted on the websites. We also know the different things they have daily, such as cereal, salad bar and sandwich bar. We could post things online to show what things are safe and healthy to eat and what certain things we should avoid. Also we could create youtubes of students following this or maybe showing the different types of food they are eatting that are healthy from the dining hall. Come to think of it, if enough students are eating healthy in the dining halls, then the unhealthy foods will go uneaten and the staff will catch on to the healthy eating because all the unhealthy food will become over abundance!

My group also came up with the idea of healthy recipe books that are easy to pass around to students with links at the bottom to show how the recipe is actually made. I think this is a great idea, however many students are still using the dining hall meal plans. We have to tend to the majority of the students and help them! Many students that spend so much money on meal plans are not going to have extra money to go buy stuff they can cook.

Questions for you: Once we get our idea set in stone, how do go about getting the student body involved? Do you go through Jennifer Goree?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Biggest Mistakes in a job interview

After reading the article on the biggest mistakes made in a job interview, I was somewhat suprised. I was not thinking these were the mistakes! The first mistake, "don't ask stupid questions," was interesting and I feel like it is a somewhat easy task to pass. If you come prepared to the interview random questions will (hopefully) not slip out! The second mistake, "don't treat the secretary poorly," is one that you could overlook and maybe even forget. It seems like it could be so easy to be in a rush or be nervous and forget how you are treating people before the interview. One might be taking out nervous frustrations on innocent, yet important people. We can all just slow down and breathe easy and this mistake is gone! The third and fourth mistake can be overlooked because of nervousness as well. Just being nervous can cause a delay in answering questions or even forgetting questions that you wanted to ask. The fifth mistake is easy to overcome if one is really interested in the job. The other mistakes can be easy to overcome if one prepares for the interview with maybe a little practice with some friends before hand.

I have had many job interviews and luckily they all went pretty well! I was always prepared for my interviews and did not encounter any of the mistakes from the article. I have never had a formal interview; however, I am hoping that I get one with Under Armour for an internship this summer. The other interviews I have had have been informal and pretty relaxed. The interviewers asked me questions about myself and my abilities.

To be well prepared for an interview, one can practice with friends well in advance before the interview, write down possible questions and answer them truthfully, research on the company, and read articles, such as this one. Doing these will help anyone be more comfortable in an interview situation and even better get the job!

Monday, January 26, 2009


This week's topic is really helpful to me because I am in the process of making a resume to send for summer internships. This will (hopefully) be my first summer with an internship. My first pick at places where I want to work would be Under Armour. The main headquarters is in Baltimore, Maryland. Baltimore is about 25 minutes from my house and would be very convenient. The internship at Under Armour is called “the Rookie Program.” I will try to be hired for the Accounting Rookie which has the various tasks of assisting the corporate accounting team, assisting in account reconciliations, running reports and analyzing information, providing billing support and payroll distribution assistance. Also, I would be responsible for journal entry processing and tracking, assist with routing invoices for approval, and file invoices and assist with overall vendor file organization. Phew! That really sounds like a lot of work, but I am up for the challenge. Having this opportunity would be amazing and would also help build my resume.

Monday, January 19, 2009

In ten years...

Currently, I am planning on getting my bachelor of science in Accounting. After graduation, I plan on being an accountant; however, I have not decided exactly what kind of accountant I would like to be. In ten years, I will be 30 years old, married, and with my second kid. I will probably be living near a beach and enjoying life. In the career field, I will be a high accountant for a local successful business. I will have previously worked for high-end businesses in popular cities, such as Baltimore and New York City, before settling down to a less stressful job so I can tend to my family. Because I have great experience and a qualified resume, I will have no problem finding jobs after my kids are in school and I am ready to work again. I will have the type of lifestyle where money will not be an issue and my personal life will be very enjoyable. I will spend lots of quality time with my family on the beach!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Machine is Us/ing Us

This video was very interesting! I always used to think of how the Internet works and how people can do so many things online, but I never thought of it this way. The title of the video "The Machine is Us/ing Us" can mean two different things. The machine is us or the machine is using us. We created the machine (Internet) and all the different types of things it can do. We can also think on the terms that the machine is using us to get smarter and smarter with all the new programs we invent .

Web 2.0 affects someone who is ready to enter the workforce by allowing one to utilize the resources provided by Web 2.0 to find a job. Also, people who enter into the workforce must be efficient with the tools that Web 2.0 provides because everything is starting to rely on using Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 affects someone who is already in the workforce by making them cope with the changes in business due to the utilization of Web 2.0 and those people must adapt to the change in learning how it works and all the functions that Web 2.0 provides.

Toward the end of the video, it mentions that we must rethink everything. To me this means that we will have to now start thinking in the ways of Web 2.0. This means that every simple task we do can might someday be able to be made even simpler by Web 2.0. We rely on Web 2.0 for many things already. There is no way in preventing the take over of Web 2.0, so we must rethink on how to change our lives around the new ideas of Web 2.0.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

About Me

My name is Callen Erdeky, from Bowie, Maryland. I am a junior here at Clemson and am also on the women's rowing team. I transfered from Mary Washington in Virginia after my fall semester of 2008. My first semester was spring 2008, making this my third semester here. I plan on getting a bachelor of science in accounting and maybe minoring in finance. Most of my time is spent in practice, studying, or spending time with my boyfriend Nick, who is a graduate student here at Clemson.